Acting Head of PSHCE Miss Pathak
What is PSHCE?
PSHCE stands for “Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education”.
Our vision is for PSHCE is to provide a relevant, current, informative and empowering programme for all students which is underpinned by Fundamental British Values and through which we enable all students to think, question, empathise, challenge their own thoughts; be well informed and able to distinguish between myths & facts; make real connections between self, others and the rest of the world; and understand the impact of their actions on self, others and the wider world.
Why do we study PSHCE?
The PSHCE curriculum at The Green School for Girls has been drawn up to meet recommendations from the DfE and the PSHE Association, in response to best practice guidelines and most importantly the needs and interests of our students. The purpose of PSHCE is to equip our students with the knowledge and skills they need to participate fully and succeed in their school lives and in the wider world now and in the future.
Our students will:
- become better informed on key issues around their own physical, social, emotional and mental health and well being, their personal safety and their changing relationships, knowing where and how to seek support for themselves or others
- have opportunities to develop a number of personal and employability skills and qualities as they begin to explore and make informed decisions on their future pathways
- appreciate the value and role of democracy and be encouraged to be active local and global citizens
What do we study?
The PSHCE curriculum is designed to stimulate discussion, challenge our own thoughts and opinions and learn from experts and expert resources.
Students in years 7 to 11 receive one or two hours of PSHCE lessons a fortnight. Years 12 and 13 study PSHCE during drop-down sessions throughout the year. In addition to this, themes within PSHCE are integrated into form-time activities, assemblies and presentations and workshops from visiting organisations.
To view a full summary of our KS3 and KS4 PSHCE curriculum please click here
To view our Broadening Horizons PSHCE programme at the Green School Sixth Form click here
The PSHCE curriculum at The Green School for Girls has been created to meet recommendations from the DfE and the PSHE Association, in response to best practice guidelines and most importantly the needs and interests of our students. The purpose of PSHCE is to equip our students with the knowledge and skills they need to participate fully and succeed in their school lives and in the wider world now and in the future.
Every year students will become better informed on key issues around their own physical, social, emotional and mental health and well being, their personal safety and their changing relationships, knowing where and how to seek support for themselves or others. Statutory Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) begins in Year 7 and appropriately progresses for each year level. Students will have the opportunity to develop a number of personal and employable skills and qualities and will also begin to explore and make informed decisions on their future pathways. Units of work will take place in line with school awareness weeks such as Mental Health Awareness Fortnight, Black History Month, Safer Internet Week and Diversity Fortnight.
How do we study PSHCE?
PSHCE lessons are designed to allow discussion, reflection and teamwork exercises and often involve a practical or creative element such as creating a campaign or presentation. Students in years 7 to 9 will have the opportunity to undertake a practical “active citizenship” project which enables them to develop their understanding and utilise their skills to address an issue directly affecting their lives. PSHCE also allows time for students to reflect on and evaluate the on-going development of their learning constructs and the essential skills they needed across all subjects and beyond the curriculum.
Spirtual Moral Social Cultural education
Students are given time, space and guidance to develop their own mental well being through mindfulness, creativity, and by learning to reflect, evaluate and set personal goals.
Students learn about the laws around a range of issues including online activity, anti social behaviour, crime, drugs and consent. Students discuss a number of ethical issues including discrimination, prejudice and money.
Students learn how to form positive, safe and healthy relationships.As students progress through the school, they explore the differing nature of personal and intimate relationships in an appropriate context. Students learn how to develop social skills including those needed to make positive contributions to the class, school and wider community.
Students learn about the contribution that diverse cultures within our school community, local community and the UK make, through events such as Diversity weeks andGlobal Citizenship units. Students also learn about differing cultural beliefs with the Fundamental BritishValues of democracy, respect and tolerance underpinning all learning.
Presentation of Work
Each term students work through a booklet of varied tasks and activities. Much of the learning takes place in groups and pairs as well as many opportunities for personal reflection. We look to provide practical strategies to deal with situations we may be faced with and always build into lessons where and how to access support. Through debating and discussing and investigating, students learn in form groups and often work together to create campaigns, presentations and out of school actions to apply their knowledge.
Students will be asked to undertake a formal assessment once a term.
To view the impact of our curriculum please click here for our latest exam results and here for our student destinations.
Careers Leading on from PSHCE
The skills developed in PSHCE are what we call 'soft skills' and are important to any job in any industry. We all require a broad understanding of topics and issues that do not fit within the defined curriculum subjects. Our ability to comment on, analyse and discuss these with confidence is one of the ways that we integrate ourselves into society and the world of work.
- Careers in Public services such as social work, policing, NHS and teaching are areas that a strong background in PSHCE would support.
To view more information about our school Careers programme please click here
How parents/carers can support their children
Parents would best support their children in PSHCE by discussing the subject matter with them. Everything in the curriculum is designed to be relevant to students' lives, particularly when we learn about mental health for example, with statistics showing a rise nationally in mental health issues amongst young people. There will also be points where we will discuss topics that could be controversial, by having an open and honest discussion at home as well as in the classroom students can become more well rounded, analytical thinkers.