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Head of Maths and Trust Lead Mr M Neta

What is Mathematics?

Mathematics is the study of processes using numbers and symbols developed over 5000 years ago. Branches of Mathematics include algebra, geometry, numeracy and data handling.  Students will gain opportunities to develop problem and decision making skills in real life contexts.


Our vision is to help students become comfortable with being uncomfortable by the increased content and variety of problem solving questions that is currently involved in the curriculum of Mathematics; so all students can reach their personal and academic potential.


Why do we study Mathematics?

Mathematics is a universal part of human culture. It is the tool and language of commerce, engineering and other sciences – physics, computing, biology etc. It helps us recognise patterns and to understand the world around us. Mathematics plays a vital, often unseen, role in many aspects of modern life, for example:

  • space travel 
  • safeguarding credit card details on the internet 
  • modelling the spread of epidemics 
  • predicting stock market prices
  • business decision making

As society becomes more technically dependent, there will be an increasing requirement for people with a high level of mathematical training. Analytical and quantitative skills are sought by a wide range of employers. Competency in Mathematics can leads to careers that are exciting, challenging and diverse in nature.

Mathematics is an exciting and challenging subject which continues to develop at a rapid rate across many research areas. It has a natural elegance and beauty. Taking a real world problem and creating and applying mathematical models to aid understanding is often hugely satisfying and rewarding.


 Our students will:

  • be inspired by the high quality of teaching and learning that is provided by their teachers who will work tirelessly to get the best out of their students 
  • develop the core values of respect and willingness to assist others, in a classroom environment that  helps pupils understand that mistakes are a natural part of the learning process 
  • develop their mathematical skills and ability to answer problem solving questions that involve a variety of different topics
  • be able to explain  where certain mathematical concepts and formulae come from so they have a better understanding of how to approach particular questions
  • become independent, inquisitive learners that are regularly revisiting topics they have previously studied
  • learn to collaborate effectively with their peers both inside and outside of the classroom

What do we study? 

 At Key Stage 3 we aim to encourage pupils’ thinking skills by first consolidating knowledge gained at KS2 and then providing them with opportunities to develop fluency, reasoning, and problem solving.

At GCSE we aim to develop skills needed for both working life and continuing education. This is done by exposing students to abstract ideas and giving them opportunities to lead their own learning.

In the Sixth form students can choose to continue studying Mathematics including Mechanics and Statistics.

To view a full summary of our KS3 and KS4 Mathematics curriculum please click here

To view information about A-level Mathematics at the Green School Sixth Form please click here

To view information about A-level Further Mathematics at the Green School Sixth Form please click here


Our Mathematics curriculum intends to maximise the development of every child’s ability and academic achievement by delivering lessons that are creative and engaging. At the beginning of their Green School journey students in year 7 begin with recapping number skills covered in primary school such as multiplying and dividing integers, working with negatives and exploring types of number. The intention of this is to consolidate learning from KS2, form the foundations for future topics and establish teaching that takes the form of rich mastery. As the year progresses this moves onto working with fractions, exploring the chance of events taking place and working with algebra. Our aim for the curriculum is to be ambitious for all students, maximising the outcomes for every child so that they know more, remember more, and understand more. For this reason we use a spiral curriculum. This allows students to revisit topics they gain in year 7 before this is progressed in year 8. In year 8 previously taught strands of number, algebra, geometry and data are revisited before being expanded upon. For example, students explore basic angles facts covered in year 7 before moving onto angles in shapes with more than 4 sides. Students have an insight into their learning journey through the use of curriculum overviews and unit checklists. In years 7 and 8 we ensure students are given a range of opportunities to be inquisitive and move their knowledge to a greater depth before beginning their KS4 studies in year 9. 


How do we study Mathematics? 

Mathematics is studied using a combination of resources. We have text books which follow the syllabi, but we frequently add to these by using a combination of, worksheets, practical applications of Maths and mini projects

Spiritual Moral Social Cultural education



Students will spend much of their time reflecting on their prior learning to embed new skills. We always encourage our students to delve deeper into their understanding of each topic and think about how it can be used to explain the world around them. Developing a logical approach and questioning the way in which the world works will promote the spiritual growth of our students.MORAL The moral development of students is evident in much of the curriculum where mathematics is used in real life contexts. Students will not only learn how to apply the skills they have been taught to solve real life problems, but understand that their methodology and solutions may result in different consequences and outcomes. For example, we explore the use of misleading graphs and the interpretation of data to support or refute a claim. Additionally, we discuss the importance of removing stereotypical bias when writing questionnaires. We make a conscious effort to help the pupils realise that mathematics is not strictly limited to problems that result in right or wrong answers.
larities of mathematics allow students from all walks of life to be able to communicate almost instantly. Students are introduced to the history of mathematical thinking through discussing the origins of key concepts (such as Pythagoras, Fibonacci numbers and Pi) and recognition is given to symmetry patterns, number systems and mathematical thinking from other cultures. For example, students explore the use of lattice multiplication (often referred to as the Chinese or Italian method) as an alternative to the column multiplication they have learnt in primary school. We also give year 7 students the opportunity to explore the use of tessellation and transformations to make rangoli patterns; a design often used by Hindus throughout Diwali.
CULTURAL Students will have th with their peers on a regular basis. Mathematics is a challenging subject; and we strive to ensure that students gain a willingness to assist others in a classroom environment that helps them understand that mistakes are a natural part of the learning process. Being collaborative with others, in a respectful manner, to come to a solution is a fundamental life skill that the students will develop in each of their lessons.

Presentation of Work 

Students complete their ever green pen is used for self, assessment, peer assessment and responding to teacher feedback. Although we encourage students to make important notes in different colours, we do not allow the pupils to use red pens in their books as that is reserved for teacher feedback. We encourage students to draw diagrams using a ruler and a pencil to ensure work is neat and mistakes can be easily corrected. Students are also required to write and underline the date, title and learning objective in their books at the beginning of every lesson. The title or margin of the page where home learning is completed on, should be highlighted before being submitted for marking.

Home Learning

Home learning is used to further develop and consolidate the concepts taught in class. This will consist of both written assignments and online tasks that are completed throughout the year. We predominantly use MathsWatch for online activities and past exam questions for written tasks.

Co - curricular activities

We run a puzzle club every Tuesday lunchtime to develop the pupils' problem solving.

A selection of students from year 7 – 13 also take part in the UKMT Individual Maths Challenge.



Students in years 7 to 10 will have at least three departmental assessments each year. Year 11 students will have two official mocks that consist of three papers each to help them prepare for their final examinations.

Year 12 and 13 students are regularly assessed over the course each year.


To view the impact of our curriculum please click here for our latest exam results and here for our student destinations.

Careers Leading on from Mathematics


To view more information about our school Careers programme please click here.


How parents/carers can support their children

  • ensure students are fully equipped for their Maths lessons
  • check they are completing home learning regularly
  • where possible, help your daughter realise the importance of Maths in the real world
  • look through your daughter’s book and have conversations about their level engagement and effort in lessons
  • give your daughter positive encouragement if she is finding Maths difficult. Remember practice makes progress!

Recommended Reading

  • KS3 Maths Collins Revision Guide
  • KS4 CGP Revision Guide and Workbook
  • Fermat's Last Theorem by Simon Singh
  • Mathematics in the Simpsons by Simon Singh

    Recommended reading for KS3:
    • 'The Simpsons and their Mathematical Secrets' by Simon Singh
    • 'Alex's Adventures in Numberland' by Alex Bellos
    • 'Fermat's Last Theorem' by Simon Singh
    • '17 Equations That Changed the World' by Ian Stewart

    Recommended reading for KS4:

    • 'The Music of the Primes' by Marcus Du Sautoy
    • '17 Equations That Changed the World' by Ian Stewart
    • 'Alex's Adventures in Numberland' by Alex Bellos